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2016 Southeastern Forest Private Lands Partnership Forum
March 1, Pensacola, Florida Session Recommendations
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2023 Shade Your Stream Grant Program Request for Proposals
Non-point source pollution poses many threats to aquatic and human life across the Tennessee River Basin. In 2020, Tennessee River Basin Network partners voiced their concern about this growing threat and the need to collectively increase capacity to address it. In response, the Tennessee River Basin Network launched a Shade Your Stream grant program in 2021. This program supports individuals and organizations that empower people and their communities to effectively safeguard their watershed’s aquatic and human life through outreach and a hands- on, cost-effective, user-friendly riparian restoration technique.
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2023 Tennessee River Basin Network Annual Conference
Registration Now Open! | TRBN 9th Annual Conference (Aug 23-24, 2023)
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A Deeper Creek - The Watchable Waters of Appalachia
A virtual dive into some of North America's richest rivers, and a fun look at an innovative river snorkeling program that has brought thousands of citizen snorkelers to the vibrant waters of Southern Appalachia. Video by Freshwaters Illustrated.
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Videos and Webinars
A Floral Survey of Cliff Habitats Along Bull Run at Manassas National Battlefield Park
Courtney James, Biological Science Technician, National Park Service, Manassas National Battlefield Park; Esther D. Stroh, Matthew A. Struckhoff, and Keith W. Grabner, U.S. Geological Survey, Columbia Environmental Research Center
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National Park Service Spotlights
2016 Spotlight on National Park Resources
A Golden Anniversary in a Diamond Year
Kimberly Robinson, Museum Curator, National Park Service, George Washington Memorial Parkway
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National Park Service Spotlights
2016 Spotlight on National Park Resources
A Guide to Staying Safe During Wildfires
This all-in-one guide delivers the essential strategies and tactics to keep you safe from wildfire — no matter where you live.
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A Natural Treasure: Florida's Sandhills & Grasslands
Learn how local and state partners with USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service have permanently protected a pristine sandhill grassland ecosystem in north-central Florida from rapidly advancing development.
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