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You are here: Home / Resources / Help / How to Participate in the Portal / Conditions of Landscape Partnership Use

Conditions of Landscape Partnership Use

This document explains what each user should understand and accept prior to registering for and using the Landscape Partnership portal.

The Landscape Partnership portal was created to provide an open-access communications exchange between members, partners, agencies, and organizations working to protect natural lands, valued resources, and the biological diversity that provides environmental benefits and services to human communities across diverse landscapes.

As a registered user on the Landscape Partnership portal, you are encouraged to login, take some time to familiarize yourself with how the portal works, and contribute content.

In addition to registered users, the general public is allowed to visit the portal and access information designated for Public view without logging in.

What the Landscape Partnership portal has to offer a registered user

The Landscape Partnership is a secure web based database or Content Management System (CMS) that allows you to upload content to the Internet without knowledge of HTML code. It is basically a password-protected 'virtual' file cabinet with folders and files you can manage online.

The Resources you can upload inside the portal include:

  • Links to external web sites and pages and internal portal content
  • File content like Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint files, Adobe Acrobat files
  • Digital images that are in a web friendly file format like .jpg, .gif, or .png
  • Web pages made up of text and images, stored on the portal
  • Audio and Video
  • Calendar events to be listed on an interactive public or private Workgroup calendar
  • News items of interest to the portal community or to a private workspace

You are allowed to upload and store your content, privately or publicly, in a personal folder, within a group folder you joined, and inside the public portal: Resources, Calendar, News, Links.

You can use the Landscape Partnership to work with your colleagues or other Landscape Partnership users in a group setting as a virtual team, large or small, across time and space. Do not send unsolicited email to group or individual members.

The Landscape Partnership portal was designed to share news, educational materials, resources, and other information. Members are encouraged to post such materials inside the Resources, News, and Calendar areas and associate each item with the appropriate tags so that it will flow into correct folders and collections which others can easily search for and locate.

What Landscape Partnership membership implies:

You will take time to learn the tools that facilitate the portal's use including accessing, posting, storing, and sharing resources.

You will share your expertise, social and professional networks, when appropriate, by joining a workspace.

As a valued community member, whenever possible or appropriate, whether working alone or as a team, you will agree to post resources publicly. This sharing will help the Landscape Partnership grow stronger, more inter-active, and more capable over time.

Thank you for Joining!