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A new Mobile
App to track
Northern Bobwhite
on Our Landscapes


Northern Bobwhite have been experiencing precipitous declines throughout their range. Despite being one of the most well studied birds in North America, wildlife experts still don’t have a good understanding of populations distribution across its range. We need everyone’s help in collecting the data needed to better manage habitat for bobwhite and other grassland species in the central and eastern U.S.

In addition to other tools being developed, this new “Bobscapes” Mobile App will help researchers better understand population dynamics and help managers direct resources for habitat work to the areas where those investments will be most effective in recovering the species. Additionally, for those interested, the app will connect landowners to technical experts who can make habitat recommendations and share information on voluntary cost share programs. Lastly, the data provided will assist wildlife biologists in creating a national habitat network of “Bobwhite landscapes” necessary to ensure this species persists for future generations!

Northern Bobwhite, Grasslands, and Savannas Framework

USDA’s Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) has partnered with Quail Forever, University of Georgia Gamebird Lab, state agencies and other partners to engage in an aggressive effort to conserve Bobwhite habitat through the “Northern Bobwhite, Grasslands, and Savannas Framework.” The goal of this NRCS Working Lands for Wildlife effort is to recover central and eastern grasslands for Northern Bobwhite and other upland species that have seen severe declines over the past 30 years.

One of the exciting initiatives of this partnership is the development of a mobile app for landowners called “BOBSCAPES.” The app is a citizen science tool hopefully used by the public to contribute to our knowledge of the distribution and abundance of northern bobwhite.

To download our new Bobscapes mobile app, select your version from the links on the right.

Download the
Bobscapes App


Bobscapes Data Request

Interested in Using The Bobscapes V1.0 Data?

Anonymized Bobscapes V1.0 data is available for use on a case-by-case basis.

  1. 1

    Step One: Login or register on the Landscape Partnership

  2. 2

    Step Two: Download and fill out the Bobscapes Data Use Agreement 

  3. 3

    Step Three: Send the completed Bobscapes Data Use Agreement to

  4. 4

    Step Four: If you are approved to use the data, you will receive an email with the data requested. 


To access the Data Request Form, please login or register on the Landscape Partnership.

Your information is kept private and registration is free.

Please join us in this important conservation effort!