General Resources and Publications
In the working lands library, you will find project reports, presentations, peer-reviewed studies, and more.
Northern Bobwhite in Working Grasslands
The northern bobwhite is often referred to and "edge" species, seeking habitat where crop fields intersect with woodlands, pastures, and old fields. The desired outcomes of project practices is 1) improved cattle production for grazing operations, 2) restore native grasses to the agricultural landscape, and 3) improve soil health, water quality, and wildlife habitat on farms.
Good for Bobwhite, Good for Cattle
America’s farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners are continuing to show how wildlife and working lands can prosper together. Let NRCS develop a comprehensive, resource conservation plan for your grazing operation and the northern bobwhite.
Fence - CPS 382
This practice facilitates the accomplishment of conservation objectives by providing a means to control movement of animals and people, including vehicles.
Riparian Forest Buffer
Buffers are applied on stable areas adjacent to permanent or intermittent streams, rivers, lakes, ponds, and wetlands that flood or pond.
Fence Job Sheet
NC Fence Job Sheet Installation Instructions
Watering Facility - CPS 614
A watering facility is a means of providing drinking water to livestock or wildlife.
Streambank and Shoreline Protection - CPS 580
Treatment(s) used to stabilize and protect banks of streams or constructed channels, and shorelines of lakes, reservoirs, or estuaries.