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Climate Science Document Library 2012

Title Description
Megaproject reclamation and climate change Megaprojects such as oil sands mining require large-scale and long-term closure and reclamation plans. Yet these plans are created and approved without consider...
Transforming Consumption: From Decoupling, to Behavior Change, to System Changes for Sustainable Consumption Consumption, although often considered an individual choice, is deeply ingrained in behaviors, cultures, and institutions, and is driven and supported by corpor...
First signs of carbon sink saturation in European forest biomass European forests are seen as a clear example of vegetation rebound in the Northern Hemisphere; recovering in area and growing stock since the 1950s, after centu...
Climate change, income and happiness: An empirical study for Barcelona The present article builds upon the results of an empirical study exploring key factors which determine life satisfaction in Barcelona. Based on a sample of 840...
Scenarios of future land use change around United States’ protected areas Land use change around protected areas can diminish their conservation value, making it important to predict future land use changes nearby. Our goal was to ev...
Regional variability in extinction thresholds for forest birds in the north-eastern United States: an examination of potential drivers using long-term breeding bird atlas datasets Main conclusions: Extinction threshold estimates varied tremendously across species and landscapes. Thus, habitat thresholds are difficult to generalize as they...
Why a collapse of global civilization will be avoided: a comment on Ehrlich & Ehrlich 1st paragraph: Ehrlich FRS & Ehrlich [1] claim that over-population, over-consumption and the future climate mean that ‘preventing a global collapse of civili...
Protected areas in Borneo may fail to conserve tropical forest biodiversity under climate change Protected areas (PAs) are key for conserving rainforest species, but many PAs are becoming increasingly isolated within agricultural landscapes, which may have...
National post-2020 greenhouse gas targets and diversity-aware leadership Achieving the collective goal of limiting warming to below 2 ◦ C or 1.5 ◦ C compared to pre-industrial levels requires a transition towards a fully decarbon...
Biodiversity loss and its impact on humanity The most unique feature of Earth is the existence of life, and the most extraordinary feature of life is its diversity. Approximately 9 million types of plants,...
Planetary boundaries- Guidi.pdf
Planetary boundaries: Guiding human development on a changing planet The planetary boundaries framework defines a safe operating space for humanity based on the intrinsic biophysical processes that regulate the stability of the E...
Effect of Risk Aversion on Prioritizing Conservation Projects Agencies making decisions about what threat mitigation actions to take to save which species frequently face the dilemma of whether to invest in actions with hi...
Functional response of U.S. grasslands to the early 21st-century drought Grasslands across the United States play a key role in regional livelihood and national food security. Yet, it is still unclear how this important resource will...
Status and Ecological Effects of the World’s Largest Carnivores The largest terrestrial species in the order Carnivora are wide-ranging and rare because of their positions at the top of food webs. They are some of the world...
Extreme climatic event drives range contraction of a habitat-forming species Species distributions have shifted in response to global warming in all major ecosystems on the Earth. Despite cogent evidence for these changes, the underlying...
Warming experiments underpredict plant phenological responses to climate change Warming experiments are increasingly relied on to estimate plant responses to global climate change1,2. For experiments to provide meaningful predictions of fut...
Impacts of mountaintop mining on terrestrial ecosystem integrity: identifying landscape thresholds for avian species in the central Appalachians, United States Reclaimed mine-dominated landscapes (less forest and more grassland/shrubland cover) elicited more negative (57 %) than positive (39 %) species responses. Negat...
Plant-Pollinator Interactions over 120 Years: Loss of Species, Co-Occurrence, and Function Using historic data sets, we quantified the degree to which global change over 120 years disrupted plant-pollinator interactions in a temperate forest understor...
Comparative Drought Responses of Quercus ilex L. and Pinus sylvestris L. in a Montane Forest Undergoing a Vegetation Shift Different functional and structural strategies to cope with water shortage exist both within and across plant communities. The current trend towards increasing ...