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You are here: Home / Projects / EBTJV / Restoring Aquatic Organism Passage within Tipton Creek, North Carolina

Restoring Aquatic Organism Passage within Tipton Creek, North Carolina

This project will be the first of several designed to reconnect and restore brook trout habitat and populations within the Tellico River watershed. It will remove one barrier on Tipton Creek in the Upper Tellico River Watershed to reconnect approximately 4 miles of stream. (Photo: The crossing to be replaced on Tipton Creek in North Carolina.)

Tipton Creek is located within the Upper Tellico Off-Highway Vehicle Area on the Tusquitee Ranger District of the Nantahala National Forest. The entire watershed is in public ownership except for several small private inholdings, one of which is along a middle reach of Tipton Creek. Currently the Forest Service is evaluatingalternatives for future management of the Off-Highway Vehicle Area because of significant resources damage, particularly to streams and resident brook trout populations.

Restoring Aquatic Organism Passage within Tipton Creek, North Carolina
Project ID
Filed under: EBTJV Project, Flow