Fact Sheets
Opportunities for Research on Carbon Sequestration in Longleaf Pine Ecosystems
As a result of the Fact Sheet on Opportunities for Research on Carbon Sequestration in Longleaf Pine Ecosystems by Kevin Robertson, Ph.D., Fire Ecology Research Scientist, Prescribed Burning has been added to the USDA Climate Smart Priorities List for FY24.
Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center September 2023 Newsletter
Welcome to the Southeast CASC September 2023 Newsletter
A Function-Based Framework for Stream Assessment and Restoration Projects
Download the Functional Framework for Stream Assessment and Restoration. This is the science-based development of the original function-based framework that is the basis for the SQT.
Fire Lines Volume 12 Issue 4
September-October 2022 Vol. 12 (4): Research Brief; SFE Updates; What's New in Fire Science?; New Technology and Tools; Other News; Upcoming Events; Recent Fire Science Publications for the South; Funding Opportunities.
Fire Lines Newsletter Volume 12 Issue 4
Research Brief; SFE Updates; What's New in Fire Science?; New Technology and Tools; Other News; Upcoming Events; Recent Fire Science Publications for the South; Funding Opportunities.
Fire Lines Volume 12 Issue 3
May-August 2022 Vol. 12 (3): Research Brief; SFE Updates; What's New in Fire Science?; New Technology and Tools; Other News; Upcoming Events; New Fire Science Publications for the South; Funding Opportunities.
SE Firemap Fact Sheet cover
SE Firemap Fact Sheet cover art.
Beef, Grass, and Bobwhites – Quail Management in Eastern Native Warm-Season Grass Pastures
This technical bulletin is targeted to technical advisors working with cattlemen and women in the eastern U. S. who are interested in managing for bobwhites. The authors combine a review of the literature, current research and first-hand experience to present this first-of-its-kind technical manual integrating grazing and bobwhite management in the eastern U. S. Published by NBTC and funded by WLFW.
Fire Prescriptions for Restoration and Maintenance of Native Plant Communities
Learn about how to use prescribed burning to enhance native ecosystems. This fact sheet outlines guidelines for prescribed burning in Oklahoma as well as recommended fire frequency, types on fuels and fuel moisture, and tips for safety management. Applicable to practitioners, producers, and landowners across the Great Plains that are interested in prescribed burning.
Burning in the Growing Season
Learn about the opportunities of using prescribed fire during the growing season in the warm Summer and Fall months. Prescribed fire can help livestock operations extend good forage later into the year. This factsheet designed for landowners and producers interested in prescribed fire and the practitioners that support them.
Joint Fire Science Program Fire Science Exchange Network
The Joint Fire Science Program (JFSP) Fire Science Exchange Network is a national collaboration of 15 regional fire science exchanges that provides the most relevant, current wildland fire science information to federal, state, local, tribal, and private stakeholders within ecologically similar regions. The network brings fire managers, practitioners, and scientists together to address regional fire management needs and challenges.
Southern Fire Exchange Publications
The Southern Fire Exchange disseminates fire research results and information through fact sheets, the Fire Lines newsletter, presentations, and research syntheses. The topics covered in SFE products are identified through needs assessments, surveys, and by the SFE Advisory Board. SFE also works with partners to identify critical fire science research needs for the Southern region.
Fact Sheets
General info on bog turtle published in Fact Sheet format
Woman with Drip Torch
Woman with Drip Torch (from Fact Sheet)
WLFW Science to Solutions: Economics of NWSG Forage
This fact sheet is part of a WLFW series called Science to Solutions which seeks to share technical information in a format that's user-friendly. Prepared by University of Tennessee professors Dr. Pat Keyser of the Native Grasslands Management Center and Dr. Chris Boyer, an economist.
Mile-a-minute (Persicaria perfoliata)
Mile-a-minute (Persicaria perfoliata) is a trailing vine with barbed stems and triangular leaves. In contrast to other invasive vines, mile-a-minute is an herbaceous annual, meaning it dies each fall and new plants grow from germinating seeds in the spring. Each vine can grow 20 to 30 feet long, forming a dense, tangled blanket of intertwined vines. In the peak growing season, mile-a-minute can put on up to 6 inches of growth a day. Its leaves are distinctly triangular or arrowhead-shaped, 1 to 3 inches wide, vibrant green, and bear many hooked barbs along the underside of the central vein and leaf stem. The dense foliage of this invasive weed blankets and slowly suffocates native vegetation, making it extremely destructive and persistent despite being an annual plant.
Soil Carbon Sequestration Fact Sheet
This fact sheet developed by American University gives a quick overview of soil carbon sequestration