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Reporting Dashboard Collection

Reporting Dashboard
Title Description Tags Creation Date
Spotlight on National Park Resources in the National Capital Region To celebrate the National Park Service Centennial through talks and posters that highlight accomplishments in resources management and stewardship. The 2016 Spo... National Parks Jul 18, 2014 11:04 AM
Maximizing the use of Volunteers for the Removal of Arborized Invasive English Ivy Vine at Rock Creek Park Nick Bartolomeo - Chief of Resource Management, Ana Chuquin - Biological Science Technician NPS, Rock Creek Park, John Maleri - Program Coordinator, Karen Zeit... Research, National Parks, Projects, Activity May 10, 2016 11:27 PM
National Plant Disease Recovery System The National Plant Disease Recovery System (NPDRS) is called for in Homeland Security Presidential Directive Number 9 (HSPD-9) which was issued in February of 2... National Plant Disease Recovery System, NPDRS, USDA, Research May 18, 2021 11:27 PM
Intertribal Agriculture Council The Intertribal Agriculture Council was founded in 1987 to pursue and promote the conservation, development and use of our agricultural resources for the better... Native American Sovereign Tribes, Agriculture, Tribal Nations, Equity and Inclusion, Nonprofit organization Oct 13, 2022 03:35 PM
Intertribal Agriculture Council The Intertribal Agriculture Council was founded in 1987 to pursue and promote the conservation, development and use of our agricultural resources for the better... Native American Sovereign Tribes, Agriculture, Tribal Nations, Equity and Inclusion, Nonprofit organization Apr 04, 2023 05:28 PM
Indigenous Peoples Burning Network The Indigenous Peoples Burning Network (IPBN) is a support network among Native American communities that are revitalizing their traditional fire practices in a... Fire, Nonprofit organizations, Tribal Nations, Prescribed Burning, Native American Sovereign Tribes, Equity and Inclusion, Wildland Fire Oct 13, 2022 06:00 PM
Intertribal Timber Council The ITC is a nonprofit, nationwide consortium of Indian Tribes, Alaska Native Corporations, and individuals dedicated to improving the management of natural res... Native American Sovereign Tribes, Forestry, Historically Underserved Farmers & Ranchers, Equity and Inclusion, Sustainable forestry Oct 13, 2022 01:55 PM
Report: Supporting Native Ecological Stewardship and Land Protection This report from the First Nations Development Institute shares outcomes and activities associated with Native American ecological stewardship and protection of... Native American Sovereign Tribes, Report, Tribal Nations, Conservation, Equity and Inclusion Oct 13, 2022 07:29 PM
First Nations Development Institute First Nations Development Institute improves economic conditions for Native Americans through direct financial grants, technical assistance & training, and advo... Native American Sovereign Tribes, Tribal Nations, Equity and Inclusion, Grantmaking Oct 13, 2022 03:18 PM
Map: Native Lands An online mapping tool that visualizes the historic lands of indigenous and native peoples around the world. Native American Sovereign Tribes, Tribal Nations, Maps and Data, Equity and Inclusion, Data and Maps Oct 13, 2022 07:37 PM
Fire Prescriptions for Restoration and Maintenance of Native Plant Communities Learn about how to use prescribed burning to enhance native ecosystems. This fact sheet outlines guidelines for prescribed burning in Oklahoma as well as recomm... Native Vegetation, Fire, Oklahoma, Prescribed Burning, Great Plains, Wildland Fire, Training Publication, Fact Sheet Jul 14, 2021 01:56 PM
Ecologists Report Huge Storm Losses in China’s Forests From delicate orchids and magnolias to rare Chinese yews and Kwangtung pines, the flora of Guangdong Nanling National Nature Reserve is considered so precious ... Plant community, Native species, Disturbance, Diversity, Habitat, Climate Change, Hot spots, Storms, Forests, Ice, Storm damage, Biodiversity, Endangered Specie... Oct 21, 2014 05:48 AM
Developing a broader scientific foundation for river restoration: Columbia River food webs Well-functioning food webs are fundamental for sustaining rivers as ecosystems and maintaining associated aquatic and terrestrial communities. The current empha... Native species, River Classification, Aquatic ecosystems, Terrestrial ecosystems, Climate Change, Food web restoration, Connectivity improvement, Rivers, Non na... Oct 21, 2014 04:37 AM
Stakeholder Webinar: Understanding the Human Dimensions of Private Lands Conservation and Management Series of speakers on human dimensions of working with private landowners to effect conservation. Nature and Society, Video, Webinar, Human Dimensions Mar 24, 2022 02:03 AM
Nebraska Priority Area Shapefiles Conservation priority area for Northern Bobwhite, part of the 2022-2026 Northern Bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas National Partnership Nebraska, Central, Northern Bobwhite Quail Jul 01, 2021 09:21 AM
Neighboring LCCs The Appalachian LCC is one of 22 LCCs that form a seamless network across the United States. Neighboring LCC's Mar 02, 2012 09:13 PM
Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks LCC The Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative (GCPO LCC) is part of a national network of Landscape Conservation Cooperatives. The GCP... Neighboring LCC's Mar 02, 2012 09:54 PM
Upper Midwest and Great Lakes LCC The UMGL LCC area includes unparalleled deepwater habitats, beaches, coastal wetlands, more than 35,000 islands, major river systems, boreal forests, and prairi... Neighboring LCC's Mar 02, 2012 09:21 PM
DOI Research Facilities/Programs A list for DOI agencies. Network, Our Work Oct 01, 2012 09:41 AM
LP Members Highlighted work and expertise from several partners Networks, Landing Sep 25, 2016 10:47 PM