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Reporting Dashboard Collection

Reporting Dashboard
Title Description Tags Creation Date
Climate Change Challenges and Opportunities for Global Health Editorial: Journal of the American Medical Association. Health is inextricably linked to climate change. It is important for clinicians to understand this rela... Temperature sensitivity, Human priorities, Thermal range, Predicted change, Temperature, Stress intensity, Greenhouse gases, Public Health, Heat wave, Human hea... Oct 21, 2014 03:31 AM
Carbon respiration from subsurface peat accelerated by climate warming in the subarctic Among the largest uncertainties in current projections of future climate is the feedback between the terrestrial carbon cycle and climate1. Northern peatlands c... Temperature sensitivity, Predicted change, Carbon stocks, Biosphere–atmosphere feedbacks, Soil organic matter, Temperature, Climate Impacts, Greenhouse gases,... Oct 21, 2014 03:58 AM
Downstream Warming and Headwater Acidity May Diminish Coldwater Habitat in Southern Appalachian Mountain Streams Stream-dwelling species in the U.S. southern Appalachian Mountains region are particularly vulnerable to climate change and acidification. The objectives of thi... Temperature sensitivity, Temperature, Acidification, Habitat degradation, Aquatic ecosystems, Mining, Climate Impacts, Minelands, Fisheries, Heat, Headwater str... Oct 22, 2015 05:44 PM
Climate negotiations under scientific uncertainty How does uncertainty about “dangerous” climate change affect the prospects for international cooperation? Climate negotiations usually are depicted as a pri... Temperature sensitivity, Thermal limits, Climate Impacts, Human civilization, Climate and society, Critical threshold, Climate Change, Fossil fuel combustion, T... Oct 21, 2014 04:33 AM
Climate change effects on stream and river temperatures across the northwest U.S. from 1980–2009 and implications for salmonid fishes Thermal regimes in rivers and streams are fundamentally important to aquatic ecosystems and are expected to change in response to climate forcing as the Earth�... Temperature sensitivity, Thermal range, Temperature, Snow cover, Thermal maximum, Habitat degradation, Trout, Climate Impacts, Snow loss, Environmental stress, ... Oct 21, 2014 02:13 AM
Vanderbilt University Vanderbilt is a private research university in Nashville, Tennessee. It offers 70 undergraduate majors and a full range of graduate and professional degrees acr... Tennessee, Vanderbilt University, Research May 03, 2021 06:35 PM
Now Taking Applications! TN Shade Your Stream 2022 Grant Cycle Funding Opp | Streambank Restoration in TN Funding, News, TRBN, Tennessee River Basin Network, Tennessee River Basin Apr 15, 2022 10:52 AM
2023 Shade Your Stream Grant Program Request for Proposals Non-point source pollution poses many threats to aquatic and human life across the Tennessee River Basin. In 2020, Tennessee River Basin Network partners voiced... Funding, TRBN, RFP, Tennessee River Basin Network, Announcements Feb 27, 2023 09:03 PM
Summary/Notes: Connecticut River Project Terrestrial Sub-Team - 22 April 2014 Connecticut River Project Terrestrial Sub-Team: Meeting notes- 22 April 2014 Terrestrial, Connecticut River Pilot Jun 17, 2014 05:53 PM
Bird population trends are linearly affected by climate change along species thermal ranges Beyond the effects of temperature increase on local population trends and on species distribution shifts, how populations of a given species are affected by cli... Terrestrial birds, Thermal range, Predicted change, Extinction risk, Climate Adaptation, thermal habitat, Thermal maximum, Habitat degradation, Temperature, Nic... Oct 21, 2014 01:48 AM
Climatic variability and episodic Pinus ponderosa establishment along the forest-grassland ecotones of Colorado The primary objective of this study was the detection of possible climatic influences on the recent (i.e., past c. 40 years) establishment of ponderosa pine (Pi... ENSO, Terrestrial ecosystems, Climate Change, Grasslands, El Nino, Pine, Terrestrial precipitation, Recuitment, Temperate forests, Ecotone, Evergreen forests Oct 21, 2014 02:25 AM
The Conservation Foundation The support of more than 5,000 members and 500 volunteers helps us carry out our mission to improve the health of our communities by preserving and restoring op... WLFW, Working Lands for Wildlife, Conservation, The Conservation Foundation Feb 18, 2023 05:47 PM
Climate Change Adaptation - TNC Florida We are using the Adaptation Workbook to consider climate change adaptation actions for four different preserves in Florida. The Nature Conservancy, Climate, Climate Adaptation, Climate Change, Workshop, Ecosystems Oct 31, 2022 03:27 PM
Report: The Nature Conservancy - Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Find stories and learnings from across the globe featuring Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice projects and reflections. From The Nature Conservancy. The Nature Conservancy, Equity and Inclusion Mar 29, 2023 10:59 PM
Floodplain Prioritization Tool The Floodplain Prioritization Tool helps decision-makers identify critical opportunities for floodplain protection and restoration in the Mississippi River Basi... The Nature Conservancy, Floodplain, Spatial Data, Aquatic ecosystems, Water, Flood, Conservation Planning, Freshwater Mar 26, 2021 09:32 PM
Freshwater Network Northeast Region: Northeast Aquatic Connectivity Project's Tool Tool for assessing barriers to aquatic connectivity including dams and road-stream crossings. The Nature Conservancy, Maps and Data, WLFW, Apps, Maps, & Data, Maps, TNC Apr 10, 2024 06:06 PM
Chesapeake Fish Passage Prioritization Tool This tool evaluates and prioritizes dams and other in-stream barriers to aquatic organism passage to help inform aquatic connectivity restoration projects in th... The Nature Conservancy, Maps and Data, WLFW, Apps, Maps, & Data, Maps, TNC Apr 10, 2024 06:30 PM
The Nature Conservancy Nature Lab Nature is the fantastic factory that makes the building blocks of all our lives—food, drinking water, the stuff we own, and the air we breathe. That’s why T... The Nature Conservancy, Nature Lab, WLFW, Training, Youth, Working Lands for Wildlife Feb 16, 2023 10:55 PM
The Nature Conservancy-PERSPECTIVES: Restorative Aquaculture for Nature and Communities KEY TAKEAWAYS: There is a pressing need to provide food for people within planetary limits—including new approaches that actively restore ecosystem health; A ... The Nature Conservancy, TNC, News Dec 06, 2022 06:30 PM
Senators Reintroduce Landmark Wildlife Conservation Bill The bipartisan legislation would invest billions in state, Tribal conservation efforts The Nature Conservancy, Tribal, TNC, News Apr 27, 2023 07:51 PM