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Reporting Dashboard Collection

Reporting Dashboard
Title Description Tags Creation Date
Kentucky-Bayou de Chien/Jackson Creek Tributary Restoration Project In-stream restoration Whitewater to Bluewater, SARP Project, Habitat Improvement, Flow, Kentucky, Instream Habitat Improvement, SAHP, NFHAP Sep 04, 2014 02:40 AM
Valley River Watershed Habitat Restoration Project Whitewater to Bluewater, SARP Project, Habitat Improvement, Flow, North Carolina, Instream Habitat Improvement, SAHP, NFHAP Sep 03, 2014 05:30 AM
Valley River Watershed Habitat Restoration Project Valley River is an outstanding aquatic resource in the mountain region of North Carolina; however,303(d) listing and habitat degradation haw become more consist... Whitewater to Bluewater, SARP Project, Habitat Improvement, Flow, North Carolina, Instream Habitat Improvement, SAHP, NFHAP Sep 04, 2014 02:40 AM
Greene County Park Stream Restoration and Interpretative Trail NFHAP / SARP Project Whitewater to Bluewater, SARP Project, Habitat Improvement, Flow, Virginia, Instream Habitat Improvement, Trail, SAHP, NFHAP Sep 03, 2014 05:30 AM
Greene County Park Stream Restoration and Interpretative Trail NFHAP / SARP Project in-stream restoration, trail creation Whitewater to Bluewater, SARP Project, Habitat Improvement, Flow, Virginia, Instream Habitat Improvement, Trail, SAHP, NFHAP Sep 04, 2014 02:40 AM
Wolf Pen Gap OHV Trail Complex Stream Crossing Improvement This project will improve stream crossings and trails at the Wolf Pen Gap OHV Trail Complex in Arkansas. It will also improve connectivity and open stream habit... Whitewater to Bluewater, SARP Project, Habitat Improvement, Instream Habitat Improvement, Arkansas, SAHP, NFHAP Sep 03, 2014 05:31 AM
Erosion control in Doe/Mill/Wildcat Branch Watershed, Winston County, Alabama, to benefit Rush Darter This project will reduce the threat to one of the last surviving populations of rush darter (Etheostoma phytophylum)in the Doe/Mill/Wildcat Branch Watershed in ... Alabama, Whitewater to Bluewater, SARP Project, Habitat Improvement, Instream Habitat Improvement, Erosion Control, SAHP, Darter, NFHAP Sep 03, 2014 05:31 AM
Restoration of Connectivity to Coal Pile, a Backwater of the Arkansas River In order to restore connectivity to Coal Pile, the canals from the Arkansas River into Coal Pile will be dredged with a Mudcat hydraulic dredge, which was recen... Whitewater to Bluewater, SARP Project, Habitat Improvement, Instream Habitat Improvement, SAHP, Arkansas, NFHAP Sep 03, 2014 05:31 AM
Restoration of a backwater of the Arkansas River, Rector Chute The Rector Chute backwater will be restored to prevent conversion of aquatic habitat to terrestrial habitat through sedimentation. Select areas will be dredged... Whitewater to Bluewater, SARP Project, Habitat Improvement, Instream Habitat Improvement, SAHP, Arkansas, NFHAP Sep 03, 2014 05:31 AM
Large Woody Debris Habitat Improvement in tribs to North Sylamore Creek (AR) This project will improve the habitat in tributaries leading to North Sylamore Creek (Arkansas) through the addition of large woody debris. Whitewater to Bluewater, SARP Project, Habitat Improvement, Instream Habitat Improvement, SAHP, Arkansas, NFHAP Sep 03, 2014 05:31 AM
Stream Bank & Riparian Restoration along the Wild and Scenic Cossatot River on the Ouachita NF Six riparian sites have severe erosion from loss of riparian vegetation and heavy recreational use. Riparian habitat function will be restored by stabilizing st... Whitewater to Bluewater, SARP Project, Habitat Improvement, Instream Habitat Improvement, SAHP, Arkansas, NFHAP, Vegetation Sep 03, 2014 05:31 AM
Habitat restoration for Southern Appalachian brook trout in 5 Cherokee National Forest, TN streams Drought and stressed habitat conditions exacerbated natural competition for food and space between brook trout and rainbow trout in several creeks in the Chero... Whitewater to Bluewater, SARP Project, Habitat Improvement, Instream Habitat Improvement, Tennessee, SAHP, NFHAP, Native Brook Trout Sep 03, 2014 05:30 AM
Jockey's Ridge State Park Community-based Living Shoreline Restoration Phase I and II Jockey’s Ridge State Park is the location of the largest sand dune system on the east coast. It is part of the Roanoke River Watershed, which flows from Virg... Whitewater to Bluewater, SARP Project, Habitat Improvement, NOAA CRP, Instream Habitat Improvement, North Carolina Sep 03, 2014 05:31 AM
Improved Recreational Fishing Through Community-based Oyster Reef Habitat Restoration, North Shore Eagle Point Oyster Restoration - Phase I and II Oyster beds serve unique roles in estuaries, yet they are highly susceptible to over-harvesting, diseases and pollution. In addition to having both recreational... Whitewater to Bluewater, SARP Project, Habitat Improvement, NOAA CRP, Restoration, SAHP, Oyster, Galveston Bay, Texas Sep 03, 2014 05:31 AM
Port Orange Living Shoreline and Oyster Reef Restoration System This project, run primarily by the Marine Discovery Center, will increase intertidal shoreline and oyster reefs and vegetation will be planted. Whitewater to Bluewater, SARP Project, Habitat Improvement, NOAA CRP, SAHP, Oyster Reef Restoration, Oyster Sep 03, 2014 05:31 AM
Community-Based and Larger-Scale Oyster Restoration in ACE Basin NERR, South Carolina This project will build intertidal shorelines with oyster reefs. Whitewater to Bluewater, SARP Project, Habitat Improvement, NOAA CRP, SAHP, South Carolina, Oyster Reef Restoration, Oyster Sep 03, 2014 05:31 AM
Pelican Point Shoreline Protection and Habitat Restoration Project Led by The Nature Conservancy, the Pelican Point project created of two 56' oyster reefs at Pelican Point, north of the mouth of Weeks Bay on Mobile Bay to prot... Whitewater to Bluewater, SARP Project, Habitat Improvement, Alabama, SAHP, NFHAP, SARP, Oyster Reef Restoration, Oyster Sep 03, 2014 05:30 AM
Develop Artificial Estuarine Habitats in SC to Increase Abundance of Recreationally-Important Fish This project will develop artificial estuarine habitats to increase abundance of recreationally important fish within South Carolina. Whitewater to Bluewater, SARP Project, Habitat Improvement, Recreational Fishing, Instream Habitat Improvement, SAHP, South Carolina, NFHAP Sep 03, 2014 05:31 AM
Improved Red Drum Habitat through Community-based Oyster Reef Habitat Restoration Little has been attempted to improve the habitat to ensure survival of stocked red drum fingerlings in SC waters This project will create additional oyster reef... Whitewater to Bluewater, SARP Project, Habitat Improvement, SAHP, Red Drum, South Carolina, NFHAP, Oyster Reef Restoration, Oyster Sep 03, 2014 05:31 AM
Oyster Habitat Restoration and Capacity Building for Future Oyster Restoration in SC This project consists of oyster habitat restoration and capacity building for future oyster restoration in South Carolina. Whitewater to Bluewater, SARP Project, Habitat Improvement, SAHP, South Carolina, NFHAP, Oyster Reef Restoration, Oyster Sep 03, 2014 05:31 AM