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Reporting Dashboard Collection

Reporting Dashboard
Title Description Tags Creation Date
West Virginia Highlands Conservancy The West Virginia Highlands Conservancy promotes, encourages and works for the conservation – including both preservation and wise management – and apprecia... Wildlife conservation, Bogs, Conservation, Bird conservation, West Virginia Jun 02, 2021 01:11 AM
The Pew Charitable Trusts We use data to make a difference – addressing the challenges of a changing world by illuminating issues, creating common ground, and advancing ambitious strat... Wildlife corridors, National Parks, NGO, Ocean Conservation, Restoration, Landscape Conservation, Data Management Jun 26, 2023 10:14 AM
Winkelman Natural Resource Conservation District The stated goal of the Winkelman NRCD is “to support and encourage the proper and wise sustained use and management of our basic renewable and non-renewable n... Winkelman Natural Resource Conservation District, State Sep 23, 2022 05:19 PM
Winter Grazing - a Better Way to Feed In this video, three livestock producers describe how extending the grazing season with winter grasses has saved them time and money, while also improving the ... Winter Grazing, USDA, Grasses, Webinar, North Carolina, Video, NRCS, Cattle, Native Grasslands, Grazing, Livestock Jun 17, 2021 06:27 PM
Human Dimensions (COP) Workspace This space is reserved for the scientific community of practice (COP) with interests focused on human dimensions aspects of conservation, including ecosystem se... Workgroup, Communities of Practice (CoPs) Jan 09, 2013 01:40 PM
Communities of Practice This area contains private Work Space for the three broad Communities of Practice: Aquatic Systems, Terrestrial Systems, and Human Dimensions, created to suppor... Workgroup Collection Jan 14, 2013 10:53 AM
Taxa or Systems This area contains private workspace for Communities of Practice that are specifically focused on a single or group of taxa or habitat types (e.g. freshwater mu... Workgroup Collection Jan 14, 2013 11:01 AM
The Center for Heirs' Property Preservation The Center for Heirs’ Property Preservation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that protects heirs’ property and promotes its sustainable use to provide increased ec... Working Lands, African American Landowners, Nonprofit organization, Equity and Inclusion, Landowners, South Oct 13, 2022 06:03 PM
'Climate Hubs' Will Provide Regional Networks on Climate Science, Forecasting Impacts as Part of President's Climate Action Plan Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced today the creation of the first ever Regional Hubs for Risk Adaptation and Mitigation to Climate Change at seven loc... Working Lands, Climate Adaptation, Climate Change, Hazards, Forests, Wildland Fire, Agriculture, Resilience Feb 12, 2014 03:35 PM
Virtual tour: Native Warm Season Grass Grazing Join a tour of pasture lands that use native warm season grasses to provide good grazing for livestock and invaluable habitat, food, and shelter for native wild... Working Lands, Northern Bobwhite Quail, Instructional Video, Conservation, Video, Working Lands for Wildlife, Landowner Information, Grazing Apr 30, 2021 09:38 PM
The G.A.M.E. Lab The Gamebird And Managed Ecosystems Lab is a research program at the University of Georgia within the Warnell School and Savannah River Ecology Lab (SREL) that ... Working Lands for Wildlife, Bobwhite Jun 18, 2019 03:05 PM
A Hellbender Working Lands for Wildlife 2023 Roundup A look back on accomplishments and forward to new opportunities. Working Lands for Wildlife, Eastern Hellbender Jan 16, 2024 08:37 PM
A Fond Farewell to a Founding Team Member Departing Private Lands Biologist Mike Knoerr Looks Back on His Time with the Hellbender Working Lands for Wildlife Program Working Lands for Wildlife, Eastern Hellbender Sep 20, 2024 05:54 PM
Hellbender Working Lands for Wildlife Program Welcomes Newest Private Lands Biologist Ben Wilson has joined the Hellbender WLFW team to help serve farmers in Northern Alabama and Middle Tennessee. Working Lands for Wildlife, Eastern Hellbender Sep 20, 2024 06:05 PM
America the Beautiful Challenge Grant Adds Value to Hellbender Working Lands for Wildlife Partnership The recently awarded grant will increase economic opportunities for farmers who plant riparian buffers in hellbender priority watersheds. Working Lands for Wildlife, Eastern Hellbender, NFWF Dec 07, 2023 04:01 AM
Working Lands for Wildlife National Landowner Forum: Perspectives and Recommendations In May 2016, 26 private landowners from across the country met in Denver, Colorado to talk with NRCS staff about what is working in the Working Lands for Wildli... Working Lands for Wildlife, Landowner Information, USDA, Forum Aug 02, 2019 05:22 AM
Conservation Corridor April 2021 Newsletter Identifying priority areas for binational connectivity of large carnivores. Working Lands for Wildlife, Newsletter, WLFW, Conservation Corridor Apr 20, 2021 01:18 AM
WLFW West Newsletters Working Lands for Wildlife (WLFW) is the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service’s premier approach for conserving America’s working lands to benefit pe... Working Lands for Wildlife, Newsletter, WLFW, WLFW Newsletter Apr 30, 2024 07:05 PM
Working Lands for Wildlife Partner Workspace The workspace was funded for NRCS and its partners to collaborate in support of private landowners to implement Working Lands for Wildlife partnership. Working Lands for Wildlife, WLFW Jul 20, 2020 08:17 PM
USDA NRCS Working Lands for Wildlife Through Working Lands for Wildlife (WLFW), USDA uses a win-win approach to systematically target conservation efforts to improve agricultural and forest product... Working Lands for Wildlife, WLFW Sep 17, 2022 08:14 PM