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Landscape Partnership Resources Library

Dr. Heath Kelsey - TRB Report Card

Below you can access Dr. Heath Kelsey's presentation from the 2018 TRBN meeting regarding the Tennessee River Basin Report Card.

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City of Chattanooga Water Quality Program Materials

Dr. Mounir Minkara with the City of Chattanooga's Water Quality Program presented on the City's management and outreach efforts to preserve and enhance their city's physical environment. Below you can access an information packet on How to Construct a Rain Garden and My Tennessee Clean Water Initiative for Chattanooga TN homeowners.

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2018 Keynote PPT

By clicking the document below you can access Ms. Sandra Meola's Keynote presentation.

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2018 TRBN Meeting Abbreviated Agenda

Download abbreviated agenda for the 4th Annual Tennessee River Basin Network Meeting

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2018 TRBN Abbreviated Meeting Agenda

Find here the abbreviated agenda for the 2018 Tennessee River Basin Network Meeting being held August 13-14th at the Knoxville Convention Center, Knoxville TN.

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2018 TRBN Awards

Multiple partners are working together to host and facilitate the 4th annual “Tennessee River Basin Network” meeting in August 2018. Our focus is on bringing peer agencies and nonprofit organizations together to protect and improve aquatic biodiversity in the Tennessee River Basin by identifying and leveraging opportunities for collaboration and sharing resources. We continue the tradition of linking the working Network meeting with the 2018 Tennessee River Celebration Awards Banquet. This celebration will recognize successes and efforts of dedicated advocates for the Tennessee River, such as non-profit organizations, community groups, watershed partners. An award of $5,000 will be given to each recipient. AWARD CATEGORIES Communication/Outreach - For an individual or organization that has excelled in communicating and educating the public, students, and/or industry about the importance of aquatic biodiversity. Science/Management - For an individual or organization that has nurtured partnerships, implemented projects, developed plans, and/or conducted scientific research in the Tennessee River Basin which has had measurable impacts on protecting and enhancing aquatic habitat. How to nominate: download the document below and follow directions Nomination Deadline: June 14th, 2018

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Final Agenda with Hotlinks

To the April 19th Partners meeting at NCTC.

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Session 7 - Brainstorming and Action Items

Session from 2-4pm; • What guidance can we offer to the National and Regional Conservation Efforts? • What priority request for science delivery (application/staff-fellowship) and Project-level support across the region if FY18 Allocations available? • How can our science partners keep the vision & forward movement on this important conservation agenda: i.e., contribute to the larger and longer-term vision of advancing the art/science/fellowship of system-conservation? • (continue) What is the Statement of Commitment of the new and reengaging partnership – aspects of funding, staffing(fellowship), etc… & [ID next steps]

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Session 6 - Research Presentation & Discussion Notes

notes on the presentation and following discussion point

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Executive Summary - Present and Future Possibilities of Landscape Scale Conservation

Executive Summary - Present and Future Possibilities of Landscape Scale Conservation

The Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) program was created under a secretarial order to develop regional conservation partnerships – under the Department of the Interior – that aimed to coordinate regional conservation planning in response to climate change impacts. Because they were partner-driven efforts, each of the 22 LCCs followed a distinct trajectory and implemented diverse projects, meaning that there is value in exploring how specific LCCs, such as the AppLCC, approached regional conservation. This study assesses the successes, limitations, and impacts of the AppLCC, with the aim of providing insights for future regional conservation partnership.

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Presentation by Maddie Brown - Research Results - Partnership

Presentation by Maddie Brown - Research Results - Partnership

pdf copy of PPT slides used by Dr. Brown in "reporting out" to the Partnership on the research project of the AppLCC Partner organizational representatives. See report for full methodology etc. and the "Partner Dashboard" that graphically captures the research results.

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Session 5 - Resolution

A review and revision of the "Resolution" or "Statement of Commitment" the partners started in December Working Group. These are the Discussion Notes with a link to the working document (open to the partners to continue to add review comments, recommendations, and propose revisions.) For questions contact Bridgett Costanzo, NRCS.

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Session 4 - Working Lands

Perspective from Partners working closely with the economic-sector and/or cultural/heritage landscape.

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Session 2 - State Perspective

Notes from the NCTC April 19th meeting at NCTC.

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Session 1 - List of Attendees

List of all those invited / attended.

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Developing and Implementing the SECAS Blueprint

Pre-print manuscript by Mallory Martin, presented at the Special Session – 2018 North American Wildlife & Natural Resources Conference.

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Scaling SECAS – Engagement is key

Paper delivered by David Whitehurst at the "Special Session of the 2018 North American Wildlife & Natural Resources Conference" The Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy: A Model for Collaborative Conservation

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Issue - Climate Impacts

The Southeastern United States and U.S. Caribbean is highly vulnerable to a variety of climatic factors and extreme weather events, including heavy downpours, floods, and droughts, all of which can influence water resources in this region. Over the last 30 years, the Southeast has been affected by more billion-dollar weather-related disasters than any other region, with coastal states experiencing more hurricanes, and inland states experiencing ice storms and tornadoes. Decision makers are faced with the challenge of developing and implementing management options to help people prepare for, respond to, and recover from the unavoidable effects of climate change (also known as adaptation). EcoAdapt is pleased to announce the release of The State of Climate Adaptation in Water Resources Management: Southeastern United States and U.S. Caribbean. This synthesis report provides: A summary of key regional climate change impacts and discussion on how the aforementioned issues combine to influence water supply, demand and use, quality, and delivery; The results of a survey sent to federal, tribal, state, and other practitioners to identify challenges, needs, and opportunities for climate-informed water resources management; Examples of adaptation initiatives from the region, focusing on activities in the natural and built environments as they relate to water resources; Eighteen full-length case studies, detailing how adaptation is taking shape; and A guide to the current suite of tools available to support adaptation action in water resources management, planning, and conservation. The synthesis report, case studies, and tools guide provide useful information on climate change adaptation in the Southeastern United States and U.S. Caribbean for both novice and experienced practitioners within or beyond the region’s borders to apply to their own work. Readers can learn about different types of adaptation strategies, find real-world examples of how others in similar disciplines or regions are incorporating climate change into their work, and locate the people and tools needed to help move their adaptation efforts forward. Funding for this project was provided by the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, Curtis & Edith Munson Foundation, and the Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange (CAKE). To learn more about the State of Adaptation Program and this project, visit or contact Rachel M. Gregg at To join the CAKE community and learn more about climate adaptation, visit

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Summary Report on 2017 Survey

NLC survey was designed to collect detailed information on the state of practice of landscape conservation across North America. Though individual responses to the survey are confidential, this summary report presents the results and analysis that emerged from the collective body of data, providing key insights on the current state of landscape conservation, and on important trends.

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