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Landscape Partnership Resources Library

Core Team Subgroup Members

Subteam assignments based on response to Feb 24, 2104 Core Team meeting request to “self-assign” to a subteam. Last updated 03-28-2014.

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Document and Maps: Landscape Capability and Vulnerability Table and Maps (05-30-2014)

One document including one table and 21 maps (PDF). The table includes statistics for each representative species on the current landscape capability in the Northeast region and the Connecticut River watershed. Maps of landscape capability in 2010 are included for the following species: American woodcock, Black bear, Blackburnian warbler, Blackpoll warbler, Eastern meadowlark, Louisiana waterthrush, Marsh wren, Northern waterthrush, Wood thrush. Maps of landscape capability in 2080 and the change from 2010 to 2080 are included for some of those species.

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Terrestial and Wetlands Subteam Update

Slides for the subteam update at the July Core Team meeting

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Presentation: Aquatics - Landscape Conservation Design

Designing Sustainable Landscapes in the Northeast: A project of the NALCC and the Northeast Climate Science Center. Landscape Conservation Design, July 2014. Presentation for afternoon Aquatics Subteam breakout session.

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Review of Key Concepts and Answers to Some Frequently Asked Questions

Review of Key Concepts and Answers to Some Frequently Asked Questions

Designing Sustainable Landscapes in the Northeast: A project of the NALCC and the Northeast Climate Science Center. Landscape Conservation Design, June 2014. Updated presentation posted 7/28/2014.

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Core Team Survey Results

Connecticut River Pilot Core Team Survey Results, as of July 25.

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Ecosystem Goals, Objectives, and Conservation Design Tradeoffs - Terrestrial / Wetland Team (July 21, 2014)

Ecosystem Goals, Objectives, and Conservation Design Tradeoffs (draft document for consideration by the Terrestrial / Wetland team) This document was drafted to assist the terrestrial/wetland subteam in considering conservation design questions related to the number, size, and configuration of "core areas" of conservation priority, and how they relate to the overall goals for the watershed.

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Notes from July 22, 2014 Subteam meeting

Notes from July 22, 2014 Subteam meeting (terrestrial/wetlands)

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html_Climate Ready_file

Development space for Organizing the CC nested Site

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Ecosystem Services and Environmental Threats Scope of Work

The "Assessment and Inventory of Ecosystem Services and Environmental Threats" research project will deliver an inventory of existing ecosystem services assessments, products, and decision-support or visualization tools conducted within the Appalachian LCC boundary. The inventory will document and assess the classification, methodology used, describe priority ecosystem services and how they were identified, and provide economic valuations if available. Research will also involve a regional survey and workshops within our boundary to assemble a list of high priority economic goods and services and non‐monetized values and benefits that are dependent on Appalachia’s natural assets while identifying the associated resource that support these services and benefits (such as intact forests, clean rivers, etc.). Finally a geo‐referenced assessment of the location of key ecosystem services that are linked to specific priority economic products or uses will be developed. This will include assembling datasets and generating visualization-base maps that depict relevant natural assets and identify locations of key products and issues. This information would then be used to produce a spatial interpretation of areas within Appalachia that serve critical social and environmental functions, as well as identify those that are highly vulnerable to losses associated with key ecosystem stressors.

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Core Team Members

Current List of Core Team Members with contact information. This list may be updated or modified at any time

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Presentation: Fish Occupancy & Stream Temperature

Presentation: Fish Occupancy & Stream Temperature

Fish Occupancy & Stream Temperature: Models & metrics for planning and management. NALCC Connecticut River Watershed Pilot Project, Aquatics Subgroup, June 27, 2014.

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Subteam Meeting Notes 06-23-2014

Discussed the process for incorporating under-represented species into the landscape design process, value of incorporating indices of projected changes to climate niche suitability into final habitat models for representative species, value of incorporating indices of projected direct anthropogenic landscape change (e.g., urban/suburban expansion) into final habitat models for representative species, criteria for weighting among species in the final selection index for the landscape design.

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Revised criteria for prioritizing species (06-27-2014)

Criteria for Prioritizing Habitat for Representative Wildlife Species in Conservation Design for the Connecticut River Watershed. Updated from the 05-30-2014 version.

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Aquatic IEI Metric Weights (06-27-2014)

Aquatic System Intactness (aka stressor) and Resiliency Metrics. Used in the index of ecological integrity portion of the Landscape Change, Assessment, and Design (LCAD) model (1 page).

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Aquatic Ecological Macrogroups (06-27-2014)

Aquatic ecological macrogroups used in the Connecticut River Landscape Conservation Design project. Summary statistics for each group, and a weighting multiplier affecting conservation priorities (2 pages).

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Presentation: Building the Combined Core Area Selection Index and Delineating Core Areas

Presentation: Building the Combined Core Area Selection Index and Delineating Core Areas

Designing Sustainable Landscapes in the Northeast: A project of the NALCC and the Northeast Climate Science Center. Landscape Conservation Design, June 2014

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Notes from Terrestrial/Wetland Breakout Session, May 30, 2014

Connecticut River Watershed Pilot: Notes from Terrestrial/Wetland Breakout Session, May 30, 2014

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Terrestrial and Wetland Subteam Meeting Agenda: May 13, 2014

Connecticut River Watershed Pilot, Terrestrial and Wetland Team Agenda: May 13, 2014 Webinar

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