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Landscape Partnership Resources Library

Wet Meadow Shrub Marsh

Wet Meadow Shrub Marsh

Map of wet meadow / shrub marsh eco-type locations in the Connecticut River watershed

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Map of agricultural eco-type locations in the Connecticut River watershed

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All 22 macro-group eco-type maps merged into a single PDF. This is a Large File (13MB). It was created to make the down-load and viewing process easier for people wanting to look at all the maps.

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Summary/Notes: Connecticut River Project Terrestrial Sub-Team - 22 April 2014

Connecticut River Project Terrestrial Sub-Team: Meeting notes- 22 April 2014

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Ecological Systems Table (April 2014)

Table of ecological systems organized by macro-group

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Initial Regional Aquatic Rep. Spp. with other Spp. and Habitats

Initial Regional Aquatic Rep. Spp. with other Spp. and Habitats developed by FWS and partners in 2012

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Initial Regional Aquatic Rep. Spp. with other Spp. and Habitats

Initial Regional Aquatic Rep. Spp. with other Spp. and Habitats developed by FWS and partners in 2012

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Initial Regional Aquatic Representative Species

List of Initial Regional Aquatic Representative Species selected by FWS and partners in 2012

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Aquatic Classification Crosswalk

Crosswalk between UMass classification used for Ecological Integrity and TNC Classification developed for Northeast States

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Aquatic Classification Crosswalk

Crosswalk between UMass classification used for Ecological Integrity and TNC Classification developed for Northeast States

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Excel: Northeast Habitat Classification - formations, macrogroups, and ecological systems (April 2014)

Northeast Habitat Classification - formations, macrogroups, and ecological systems. Includes acreage in the 13 Northeastern states and within the Connecticut River Watershed.

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Northeast Habitat Classification - formations, macrogroups, and ecological systems (April 2014)

Northeast Habitat Classification - formations, macrogroups, and ecological systems. Includes acreage in the 13 Northeastern states and within the Connecticut River Watershed.

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Agenda: 4/22/2014 Call of Terrestrial Team, Connecticut River Watershed Pilot

Agenda, 4/22/2014 Call of Terrestrial Team, Connecticut River Watershed Pilot (1st meeting of the team)

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Suggestions for Setting Population Objectives - CT River Watershed Pilot

Connecticut River Watershed Landscape Conservation Design Pilot: Suggestions for Setting Population Objectives (April 2014)

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Document: Suggestions for Setting Population Objectives - CT River Watershed Pilot (April 21, 2014)

Connecticut River Watershed Landscape Conservation Design Pilot: Suggestions for Setting Population Objectives (April 2014). Handout for April 22, 2014 team subteam meeting. Note: this document was revised on May 30 (also posted to subteam page).

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Document: Terrestrial and wetland ecosystems and representative species for Connecticut River Watershed pilot (April 17, 2014)

Table listing major terrestrial and wetland ecosystem types (ecological formation/macrogroup) and associated representative species for which habitat capability models are being developed. Current version: April 17, 2014. Handout for April 22, 2014 meeting.

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Document: Terrestrial & Wetland Representative Species - How they were chosen (April 17, 2014)

How representative species for terrestrial and wetland ecosystems were chosen for the North Atlantic LCC region (April 17, 2014). Handout for April 22, 2014 meeting.

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Putting the Nation on a Path for Climate Resilience and Preparedness: NOAA's Information and Expertise

Putting the Nation on a Path for Climate Resilience and Preparedness: NOAA's Information and Expertise

Information seekers can turn to NOAA personnel on the ground to access and apply available information to specific questions and needs. NOAA provides a wide range of climate information through monthly, seasonal and decade forecasts and data tailored to the specific needs of different sectors. NOAA uses this same information to take direct action to increase the resilience and facilitate adaptation of the nation’s valuable marine and coastal resources and the people that depend on them.

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Meeting Notes for SC Call on March 6, 2014

Notes that summarized the major discussions and action items from the call.

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Document: Regional Conservation Partnerships in the Connecticut River Watershed

Description of partnerships and partner members from Regional Conservation Partnerships in the Connecticut River Watershed from Highstead

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