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Landscape Partnership Resources Library

Presentation: TNC Aquatic Resilience

Presentation: TNC Aquatic Resilience

TNC Aquatic Resilience Presentation from March 28, 2014 meeting

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Presentation: TNC Terrestrial Resilience

Presentation: TNC Terrestrial Resilience

TNC Terrestrial Resilience Presentation from March 28, 2014 CTR meeting

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Presentation: Introduction to Designing Sustainable Landscapes: Purpose and Design

Presentation: Introduction to Designing Sustainable Landscapes: Purpose and Design

Introductory Designing Sustainable Landscapes Presentation given by Kevin McGarigal of UMass. Covers input layers for ecosystems and species, including habitat capability.

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Presentation: Brook Trout

Presentation: Brook Trout

Brook Trout Presentation by Ben Letcher, USGS

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Product Description: Forecasting Changes in Stream Flow, Temperature and Salmonid Populations in the Eastern United States as a Result of Climate Change

Short Product Description Forecasting Changes in Stream Flow, Temperature and Salmonid Populations in the Eastern United States as a Result of Climate Change

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Product Description: Designing Sustainable Landscapes Species Habitat Capability Models

Short Product Description Designing Sustainable Landscapes Species Habitat Capability Models

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Product Description: Designing Sustainable Landscapes - Ecological Integrity

Short Product Description Designing Sustainable Landscapes - Ecological Integrity

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Proposed Process for Decisions Connecticut River Pilot

Proposed Process for Decisions Connecticut River Pilot

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Product Description: Assessing Freshwater Ecosystems for their Resilience to Climate Change

Short Product Description - Assessing Freshwater Ecosystems for their Resilience to Climate Change

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Draft Goals for Connecticut River Pilot as of 3-28-2014

Draft Goals for Connecticut River Pilot as of 3-28-2014

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Document: SubTeam Members as of 3-28-2014

List of SubTeam Members as of 3-28-2014

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Product Description: Habitat Suitability Modeling of select Regional Species of Greatest Conservation Need

Short Product Description - Habitat Suitability Modeling of select Regional Species of Greatest Conservation Need

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Product Description: Northeast Aquatic Connectivity: An Assessment of Dams on Northeastern Rivers

Short Product Description: Northeast Aquatic Connectivity: An Assessment of Dams on Northeastern Rivers

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Product Description: Resilient Sites for Terrestrial Conservation in the Northeast and Mid Atlantic Region

Short Product Description - Resilient Sites for Terrestrial Conservation in the Northeast and Mid Atlantic Region

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Product Description: Ecologically Important Floodplain Forests in the Connecticut River Watershed

Short Product Description Ecologically Important Floodplain Forests in the Connecticut River Watershed

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Connecticut River Pilot FAQs

Connecticut River Pilot FAQs, 3-28-2014 version

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NPS Natural Heritage Areas

Map indicating the location of Natural Heritage Areas.

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No Regrets Working Group Guidance

At the April meeting of the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative, the Steering Committee tasked a work group to advance the identification of previously assessed high value conservation areas (HVCA) for which there may be a general consensus about their significance and relevance inside the LCC geography. This contributes to the effort of the LCC by identifying areas that can be promoted as needing special attention and consideration by managers (and others) in advance of more systematic modeling or LCC-sponsored analyses or structured decision-making and prioritization in the future.

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Data Management & Sharing Recommendations

Recommendations from Appalachian LCC Data Management Working group.

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Draft List of Indicators for Terrestrial, Aquatic, and Human Dimensions Measures for the Appalachian LCC

Developed by the Indicators and Surrogate Species Steering Committee Working Group.

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