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Landscape Partnership Resources Library

Post-Meeting Report: 2017 Tennessee River Basin Network Meeting

August 15-16, 2017 Tennessee Aquarium, Chattanooga, TN Post-Meeting Summary

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WKY-TN Site Map

Spreadsheet site map

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Meeting Agenda

Find here the agenda for the Sept 26th meeting at Land Between the Lakes.

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Training Materials to Download

Please find here a folder to download prior to the meeting.

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RPCCR how-to Handout

Find here a document which outlines how to use the RPCCR too. This was developed for the Crossville TWRA workshop in Feb 2017.

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Fact Sheet: Assessing Vulnerability of Species and Habitats

New vulnerability assessments for 41 species and 3 habitats in the Appalachians now available.

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Fact Sheet: Cave and Karst Resources

Fact Sheet: Cave and Karst Resources

Addressing knowledge gaps to better protect unique landforms and their wealth of hidden biodiversity.

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Fact Sheet: Stream Classification

Developing consistent region-wide information to ensure enough water for people and wildlife.

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Fact Sheet: Stream Impacts

Fact Sheet: Stream Impacts

Assessing current and future water withdrawal scenarios to inform decisions for achieving sustainable water ows that meet human demands and sustain healthy ecosystems.

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TRGT/AppLCC Meeting Presenations

Find here a PDF of the PPT presentations from the meeting. Notes from facilitated discussions are included.

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TRGT/AppLCC Meeting Partcipants

A total of 12 organizations, represented by 20 individuals, participated in the TRGT/AppLCC meeting on April 24th, 2017 in Chattanooga, TN. Find here a list of participants.

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Southern Appalachian Climate Change Vulnerability Species Assessments Excel Spreadsheet

Southern Appalachian Climate Change Vulnerability Species Assessments Excel Spreadsheet

Downloadable spreadsheet to accommodate the Cumberland - Southern Appalachian Climate Change Vulnerability Species Assessments.

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AppLCC/TRGT Agenda

Please find here the agenda for the meeting

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AppLCC science-based resource catagories

Find here a visual key to identify the types of resources that have been derived from AppLCC funded-research projects.

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AppLCC funded research synthesis

Please find here a document which highlights all AppLCC funded research and the resources derived from those efforts.

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Find here a list of hotels in the Chattanooga area

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AppLCC resources for the conservation community

Find here a PDF of G.Bee and M. Cimitile's meeting presentations.

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The Big Questions

Find here a PDF of Dr. Jean Brennan's meeting presentation.

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Meeting Participants

Find here a PDF of meeting participants (name & affiliation).

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Meeting Handouts

Find here the handouts that will be circulated during this meeting.

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