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Landscape Partnership Resources Library

FL: Addressing the Challenge of Climate Change in the Greater Everglades Landscape

“Addressing the Challenge of Climate Change in the Greater Everglades Landscape” is a research initiative funded by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and carried out by a group of researchers at the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The study investigates possible trajectories of future transformation in the Greater Everglades Landscape relative to four main drivers: climate change, shifts in planning approaches and regulations, population change, and variations in financial resources. Through a systematic exploration at the landscape-scale, this research identifies some of the major challenges to future conservation efforts and illustrates a planning method which can generate conservation strategies resilient to a variety of climatic and socioeconomic conditions.

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USFS-NRS: The Impacts of Climate Change on Forests of the Northeastern United States and Eastern Canada

Changing Climate, Changing Forests: The Impacts of Climate Change on Forests of the Northeastern United States and Eastern Canada. By Lindsey Rustad, John Campbell, Jeffrey S. Dukes, Thomas Huntington, Kathy Fallon Lambert, Jacqueline Mohan, and Nicholas Rodenhouse

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USGS: Effects of Climate Change and Land Use on Water Resources in the Upper Colorado River Basin

(see Section on: Science in Support of Management Decisions). Fact sheet presents models, projected flow, paleo-climate record, system changes, Land-Use Management and Effects on Water Supply, Fish Futures and Changing Riparian Habitat.

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DU: Confronting the Challenges of Climate Change for Waterfowl and Wetlands

Browne, Dawn M. and Dale D. Humburg. 2010. Confronting the Challenges of Climate Change for Waterfowl and Wetlands. Ducks Unlimited, Inc. Memphis, TN.

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Site Assessment Tool

The Site Assessment Tool (.xls, 499KB) enables WSHRN sites to systematically review their state of conservation, the threats they are facing, the responses needed and the effectiveness of site management. The results of the assessments will lead to priority setting and strategic actions for WHSRN to respond effectively to the main needs and issues of the network, with the ultimate goal of conserving healthy shorebird populations. (print of web page)

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Coastal: Vunerability Assessment - Shorebird Habitat

Instructions Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for Shorebird Habitat. Coastal Version. 7/03/2010 Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. By Dorie Stolley

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Manomet: Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for Shorebird

The Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for Shorebird Habitat (CCVASH) is an innovative, Excel-based assessment and decision-making tool that was developed during 2009/2010 by the Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences's Shorebird Recovery Project [4] in partnership with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS [5]) Northeast Region’s Division of Refuges. This partnership, funded in large part by the generosity of individual Manomet donors concerned about climate change impacts on shorebirds, enabled Refuge Biologist Dorie Stolley to develop and pilot the tool during a one-year assignment to Manomet.

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National Climate Assessment 2012

Impacts of Climate Change on Biodiversity, Ecosystems, and Ecosystem Services

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Illinois: (Chicago)

Climate change and regional biodiversity: A Preliminary Assessment and Recommendations for Chicago Wilderness Member Organizations

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Illinois: (Chicago) Climate Action Plan

Chicago Wilderness Climate Action Plan for Nature

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Illinois (Chicago Wilderness.Org)

Climate Change Impacts on Regional Biodiversity. Climate Update to the Biodiversity Recovery Plan. (print of web page).

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Oregon's Fish and Wildlife in a Changing Climate. By Mark A. Hixon, Stanley V. Gregory, W. Douglas Robinson

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USFWS: 50 Climate Stories

(distillation from the source web page)

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LCC National Council Nominating Form

The National LCC Strategy Team invites nomination for membership on the newly‐formed LCC (Landscape Conservation Cooperative) National Council. This nomination packet outlines instructions for the “LCC Participant” seat. Eligible applicants include LCC Coordinators and the current (at time of nomination) chairs, vice‐chairs, and co‐chairs of LCC Steering Committees. To be eligible, applicants must have served as an LCC Coordinator or as an LCC Steering Committee member for at least one year. One LCC participant will be selected by the LCC Coordinators Team (LCT) for the National Council. The LCC National Council will support the cooperative large‐scale conservation efforts of the LCC network by enhancing coordination among the LCCs, identifying national‐level ecological and institutional challenges, and serving as the national voice for the LCC network.

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CASRI Action Plan

The CASRI Action Plan is a strategic plan with a 10 year timeline that aims to collaboratively address red spruce restoration goals and objectives in the Central Appalachians. This plan was enacted in 2010.

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Summary of LCC National Council Convening Process

Since the creation of the Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) network, concerns have surfaced over the need for a national body to maintain broad national-level support and coordination. In 2011, the Department of Interior (DOI) requested the U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution (USIECR) conduct a neutral third-party assessment of national DOI and LCC representatives to gauge potential support, concerns, and recommendations for convening an LCC National Council. Interview findings indicated that there were national-level needs that could not be met through the existing LCC enterprise but were critical to the long-term viability of the LCC network. Respondents recommended that: (1) the Council should not be driven by a single agency/entity; (2) the Council should help coordinate, define, and focus the LCC enterprise; and (3) this Council should respect the self-governing, self-directed nature of the individual LCCs.

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Overiew of LCC National Council Recruitment Process

The purpose of this overview is to familiarize the LCC Coordinators Team (LCT) with the recruitment process for the LCC National Council (Council), to identify the role the LCC coordinators will play in the process, and to provide you with some talking points for explaining the process to your respective organizations and other networks.

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