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Landscape Partnership Resources Library


Includes brief species/habitat information

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Includes brief species/habitat information

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Includes brief species/habitat information

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Includes brief species/habitat information

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Includes brief species/habitat information

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Data Needs / Data Architecture - Scope of Work

This is the scope of work prepared by Dr. Rob Baldwin of Clemson University to conduct a study to assess the data needs related to the Appalachian LCC region, assemble available data sets and post to AppLCC cloud server, and to design the appropriate data architecture to support the landscape-level conservation planning and modeling to achieve the stated vision of the AppLCC Partnership. (Do not distribute draft.)

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Appendix 4.

List of participating Universities with CESU Agreements across the AppLCC boundary. (dated 2010)

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Appendix 3.

State lists of Species of Greatest Concern (includes species beyond AppLCC boundary). (dated 2010)

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Appendix 2b.

National Leads - Species Recovery Plans. (dated 2010)

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Appendix 2a.

Federal Recovery Plans. (dated 2010)

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Appendix 1.

Federally listed, proposed, or candidate species list. (dated 2010)

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SN Portfolio - Structure

PPT slides that show the Portfolio (Standardized) Structure and Themes.

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Cross-walk of how Work Plan aligns with other Conservation Planning Frameworks

Cross-walk Presentation of the Appalachian LCC 5-Year Work Plan aligned with other Regional or Nationally Recognized Conservation Planning Frameworks. The Tasks outlined in the Work Plan align with both the USFWS Strategic Habitat Conservation Framework and the Northeast Regional Conservation Framework as presented here.

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Report on Phone Interviews Conducted with Conservation Experts in AppLCC Region

Following are thematic, qualitative summaries from 33 interviews of Steering Committee and subject matter experts that were conducted by Group Solutions on behalf of the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative. These interviews were conducted to establish a baseline understanding of issues, challenges, and priorities in advance of for the July planning workshop in Blacksburg, VA.

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Report on Phone Interviews Conducted with Conservation Experts in AppLCC Region

Following are thematic, qualitative summaries from 33 interviews of Steering Committee and subject matter experts that were conducted by Group Solutions on behalf of the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative. These interviews were conducted to establish a baseline understanding of issues, challenges, and priorities in advance of for the July planning workshop in Blacksburg, VA.

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5-Year Work Plan Cover

5-Year Work Plan Cover

PDF Front Cover for Print.

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National LCC Map

National LCC Map

The 22 LCCs collectively form a national network of land, water, wildlife, and cultural resource managers, scientists, and interested public and private organizations—within the U.S. and across our international borders—that share a common need for scientific information and interest in conservation.

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Goal 3 - Engagement

From the 5-Year Work Plan, Section B, Goal 3: Create an on-going facilitated process to promote engagement and dialogue across the Appalachian LCC region

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Goal 4 - Strategic Alignment

From the 5-Year Work Plan, Section B, Goal 4: Assess and align conservation goals and actions that reflect our Cooperative Members’ common and shared vision

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