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Landscape Partnership Resources Library

RFA Conference Call Q & A - March 9, 2011

Approximately 25 individuals participated on the first informational call for the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC), held at 10AM on March 9, 2012. The following agencies/organizations were represented (this may not be a complete list): NatureServe, University of Georgia, Ohio State, West Virginia University, USGS (multiple locations), National Wildlife Foundation, University of Connecticut, University of Missouri, University of Kentucky, Equinox Environmental, NC State, Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin, SUNY Environmental Science and Forestry.

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Bill Uihlein PPT presentation pdf

Bill Uihlein's Role of Landscape Conservation Cooperatives in Sustaining Natural and Cultural Resources presentation

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Science Seminar Series - Patch Metrics, Wild Brook Trout, and the Chesapeake Bay

The wild brook trout resource in the Chesapeake Bay has been significantly reduced over the last 150 years and faces ongoing and future threats from climate change, land use changes, invasive species and loss of genetic integrity (Hudy et al. 2008). Monitoring both short and long term trends on individual brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) populations and the resource as a whole are important needs of managers. Past assessments on the 1,443 subwatersheds in the Chesapeake Bay found that 226 had healthy brook trout (intact); 542 had reduced populations and 290 were extirpated (Hudy et al. 2008). However, the subwatershed scale assessment was not fine scale enough to efficiently monitor trends on the ground of interest to many mangers. Standard population estimates using mark-recapture and depletion removal estimates are also not viable for large scale monitoring because of expense, inability to detect trend (i.e. large coefficient in variation), and problems expanding the sample to the entire population. However, fine scale occupancy data (at the catchment level) exist for the majority of the brook trout resource in the Chesapeake Bay. Currently (not counting New York, not completed yet), there are 3,003 catchments containing allopatric brook trout populations; 1,716 catchments containing sympatric populations (with brown or rainbow trout); and 1,966 catchments containing only exotic trout species. We used this fine scale catchment data to identify unique patches of brook trout. We define a "patch" as a group of contiguous catchments occupied by wild brook trout. Patches are not connected physically (separated by a dam, unoccupied warm water habitat, downstream invasive species, etc) and are generally assumed to be genetically isolated. In the Chesapeake Bay there are 868 patches of brook trout habitat with an average patch size of 2,800 ha.

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Explanation of Conservation Action Categories Used to Discuss SWAP Recommendations Summarized by Taggert

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Review of State Wildlife Action Plans (SWAPs) and assumptions relevant to Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative's current goal of developing a new portfolio for Science Needs

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High-Priority Conservation Challenges Summarized from Individual State Wildlife Action Plans

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Notes: Applachian LCC ISC May 4th, 2011

Notes from the May 4th, 2011 ISC Meeting

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(ex) of AppLCC Communication Products -- 2011 Annual Report

1st product of AppLCC staff - 2011 Annual Report.

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Rising to the Urgent Challenge Strategic Plan for Responding to Accelerating Climate Change

Rising to the Urgent Challenge Strategic Plan for Responding to Accelerating Climate Change

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service climate change strategy, titled “Rising to the Urgent Challenge: Strategic Plan for Responding to Accelerating Climate Change,” establishes a basic framework within which the Service will work as part of the larger conservation community to help ensure the sustainability of fish, wildlife, plants and habitats in the face of accelerating climate change. The plan is implemented through a dynamic action plan that details specific steps the Service will take during the next five years to implement the Strategic Plan.

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A System for Assessing Vulnerability of Species (SAVS) to Climate Change pdf

A System for Assessing Vulnerability of Species (SAVS) to Climate Change pdf

Sustained conservation of species requires integration of future climate change effects, but few tools exist to assist managers. The System for Assessing Vulnerability of Species (SAVS) identifies the relative vulnerability or resilience of vertebrate species to climate change.

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Building partnerships and establishing consensus on regional priorities across the Upper Midwest and Great Lakes Landscape Cooperative - Final Report

Building partnerships and establishing consensus on regional priorities across the Upper Midwest and Great Lakes Landscape Cooperative - Final Report

As part of our project to identify the most climate vulnerable species in the Upper Midwest and Great Lakes Landscape Conservation Cooperative we have completed phase one of our project. This report summarizes our findings to date.We completed ten workshops across the region and have compiled a regional list of priority wildlife species for consideration in a climate vulnerability assessment. Included in the report are the top 30 species shared as priorities across the region, as well as the individual lists from each workshop.

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Restoration of Ailing Wetlands

It is widely held that humankind’s destructive tendencies when exploiting natural resources leads to irreparable harm to the environment. Yet, this thinking runs counter to evidence that many ecological systems damaged by severe natural environmental disturbances (e.g., hurricanes) can restore themselves via processes of natural recovery. The emerging field of restoration ecology is capitalizing on the natural restorative tendencies of ecological systems to build a science of repairing the harm inflicted by humans on natural environment. Evidence for this, for example, comes from a new metaanalysis of 124 studies that synthesizes recovery of impacted wetlands worldwide. While it may take up to two human generations to see full recovery, there is promise, given human will, to restore many damaged wetlands worldwide

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Structural and Functional Loss in Restored Wetland Ecosystems

Wetlands, which include tropical mangroves and boreal peatlands, are among the most valuable ecosystems in the world because they provide critical ecosystem goods and services, such as carbon storage, biodiversity conservation, fish production, water purification, and erosion control. As global change accelerates the loss of wetlands, attempts are increasing to restore this fragile habitat and its associated functioning. There has been no global evaluation, however, of how effective such restoration efforts have been. Here, we present a meta-analysis of the biological structure (driven mostly by plant communities) and biogeochemical functioning (driven primarily by the storage of carbon in wetland soils) of 621 wetland sites.

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Responding to Climate Change on National Forests: A Guidebook for Developing Adaptation Options

Responding to Climate Change on National Forests: A Guidebook for Developing Adaptation Options

From the USDA Forest Service, comes a recently published guidebook for climate change adaptation in national forests. It provides a state-of-science summary of principles of adaptation, methods for vulnerability assessment, and tools and processes to facilitate the development of adaptation strategies and tactics. Distributed to all 176 national forest units, the guidebook is being used throughout the Forest Service and by other agencies to integrate climate change in sustainable resource management.

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RFA Conference Call Q & A - March 19, 2011

There were approximately 12 participants on this second informational call. Many had participated in our first call, but new entities included: Downstream Strategies, Ecological Modeling, U. of VA., Penn. State, and Environmental Services.

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ISC Notes September 2, 2011

Notes from the ISC meeting conference call September 2, 2011

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LCC Operations Meeting Notes - ISC Meeting December 8th, 2011

LCC Operations Meeting Notes - ISC Meeting December 8th, 2011

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LCC Administration Meeting Notes - ISC Meeting December 8th, 2011

LCC Administration Meeting Notes - ISC Meeting December 8th, 2011

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Executive Summary - ISC Meeting Dec 8, 2011

The meeting at the Inn at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA was well attended by 41 ISC members, representatives, and staff. There were four major topics covered at this gathering regarding operations and administration of the LCC.

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US Fish and Wildlife Service - Science Seminar Series 2012

US Fish and Wildlife Service - Science Seminar Series 2012

US Fish and Wildlife Service Science Seminar Series 2012 takes place in the Northeast Regional Office, Hadley, MA, on the second or fourth Thursday of each mouth from 12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m. Presentations are also available via broadcast or webinar at

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