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Landscape Partnership Resources Library

Application: Family Forestland Short-course - Focusing on Land Transfer to Generation "NEXT"

Please join us for a hands-on workshop with free legal guidance from professionals experienced in intergenerational land transfer and landowner testimonials of estate planning steps & strategies they have used.

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Research Subregion terrestrial species summary - Open Space Institute

This spreadsheet provides results of terrestrial species vulnerability assessments in a smaller area of analysis in the southern portion of the Cumberland - Southern Appalachian subregion.

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Research Subregion aquatic species summary - Open Space Institute

This spreadsheet provides results of species vulnerability assessments in a smaller area of analysis in the southern portion of the Cumberland - Southern Appalachian subregion.

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Research Region Terrestrial Species Summary - Open Space Institute

This spreadsheet provides results of vulnerability assessments of terrestrial species conducted by the Open Space Institute.

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Research Region Aquatic Species Summary - Open Space Institute

This spreadsheet provides results of the CCVI conducted on aquatic species of the full Research Region.

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Project Review

This document is a slide presentation summarizing results of the project as of October, 2011.

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Synthesis of Science Investments

Synthesis of Science Investments

Information and tools to guide landscape conservation in the Appalachians. This document provides a synthesis of all Appalachian LCC funded research project deliverables such as decision support tools, data layers, final reports, and other vital information that will help plan and manage for the conservation of aquatic and terrestrial systems throughout the region.

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Funded Research and Science Products

A summary of all the Appalachian LCC funded research and project deliverables.

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Bios of those facilitating the Meeting.

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Steering Committee Member Profiles

Steering Committee Member Profiles

Bios of all Steering Committee members and alternates in 2016.

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Tennessee River Basin Network Agenda

Detailing presentations, discussions, and outcomes for the Tennessee River Basin Network Meeting.

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2015 Report Card

2015 Report Card

FY16 End of Year (2015-16) Report Card on the Work of the AppLCC to Advance its Goals and Objectives as Identified in the 2012-2017 5-Year Work Plan.

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2015 Annual Report

2015 Annual Report

The 2015 Annual Report details the investment the Appalachian LCC has made over the past years that led to the creation of vital research products, tools, and a landscape conservation design framework to address the most pressing science needs in the region. It also highlights the initial activities ensuring this science becomes integrated into planning and decision making at regional, state, and local levels to ensure key habitats and ecosystems are conserved in large, interconnected areas.

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Fact Sheet: Online Resources to Inform Natural Resource Management

Fact Sheet: Online Resources to Inform Natural Resource Management

Research from the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) and the U.S. Forest Service is integrating society’s value of ecosystems with future risks, to inform natural resource planning and management across the Appalachians and help decision makers, industry and the public adopt policies that protect and invest in these resources.

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Connect the Connecticut - Fact Sheet

High-level overview of the landscape conservation design project. May 2016.

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Connect the Connecticut Report

Connect the Connecticut Report

Connect the Connecticut Report - report summarizing the process and results of the project. May 2016.

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AppLCC LCD Phase II Aquatic Consultation #3

Presentation given May 10-12, 2016 to assign scales and thresholds to selected aquatic assessment metrics.

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