Adding Videos
How to add images from Vimeo or YouTube to the portal.
How to Add Videos From Vimeo
Instructions on how to add videos from Vimeo to the portal.
Adding Videos
How to add images from Vimeo or YouTube to the portal.
How to Add Videos From YouTube
Instructions on how to add videos from YouTube to the portal.
Video ID YouTube
Image 3A – Video ID
Video ID Vimeo
Image 3A - Video ID Vimeo
Intro to 'Ted Takeaways'
A welcome video with Ted Coopwood III, President and CEO of Coopwood Enterprises and conservation expert. Ted joined the Landscape Partnership to speak about his leadership and diversity, equity, and inclusion in conservation. This video accompanies two short podcasts about how to recognize and center diverse voices in conservation and working lands efforts.
Video: Standing with Black Farmers
Short video interviewing Black farmers about experiences and challenges they faced due to racial discrimination.
Video: Environmental Justice is About Engaging with Communities on a Personal Level
Short video with Edith Pestana. Part of a series from the EPA featuring federal and local government officials, non-profit leaders, and students, who tell stories about the lessons they have learned over their time working on environmental justice.
Videos: Advancing Inclusive Science Communication
Watch keynote addresses from the Inclusive SciComm Symposium through the Metcalf Institute
Webinars and Videos Thumbnail
Agriculture Deputy Secretary Krysta Harden and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) New and Beginning Farmer and Rancher Program Coordinator Lila McFarland host a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) employee-only webinar on recent new farmer announcements, including an in-depth look at everything the new and improved can do on Monday, Nov. 23, 2015.
Grazing Gone Native
Producer Drexel Atkisson talks about role of NWSFs in his grazing system in dealing with drought.
Partner Workspace
This space is meant to be user-friendly. We hope you can find other partners here, share information and training materials, and enhance each other's capability to achieve large-scale change in working landscapes. The workspace can be used to draft training materials, unedited videos, and other content not yet ready for broader sharing, as well as store some materials that may be sensitive for immediate or near-term sharing.
This space will be used to draft training materials, unedited videos, and other content not yet ready for broader sharing, as well as store some materials that may be sensitive for immediate or near-term sharing. Workshop Teams WLFW-Pine Savannah Workshop Materials Logistics Planning Lists of Workshop Attendees Workshop Input & Feedback Input (pre-workshop coordination) Feedback WLFW-Grasslands Workshop Materials Logistics Planning Lists of Workshop Attendees Workshop Input & Feedback Input (pre-workshop coordination) Feedback Documents in Progress WHEGs Job sheets Outreach Materials Partnership Development On-going Research Funded UGA-2018 UT-2018 Datasets GIS Products Other Tools
Northern Bobwhite Quail, Grassland and Savannas Partner Workspace
This space is meant to be user-friendly. We hope you can find other partners here, share information and training materials, and enhance each other's capability to achieve large-scale change in working landscapes. The workspace can be used to draft training materials, unedited videos, and other content not yet ready for broader sharing, as well as store some materials that may be sensitive for immediate or near-term sharing.
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Gopher Tortoise
The gopher tortoise is a large burrowing tortoise that occurs in upland pine forests of the southeastern United States. The gopher tortoise is one of five tortoise species native to North America and the only tortoise species east of the Mississippi River. The sex of individual tortoises can usually be determined by shell dimensions. A male tortoise has a greater degree of lower shell concavity, and a longer gular projection. However, the sex of tortoises at maturity size is difficult to determine (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1990).
NIFA's Information Webinar on Climate Change Programs
Rapidly changing climate is one of the most pressing issues facing farmers, ranchers, landowners, households and communities. To address these climate change challenges, individuals, families and communities need the best available science to plan for and implement climate-smart and resilient practices. n this webinar, National Program Leaders from each of the outlined programs gave a brief description of the program, proposal submission deadlines and other pertinent program information. This webinar is especially useful for project directors with climate based/climate emphasized research, Extension and education projects.