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You are here: Home / News & Announcements / WLFW Newsletters / National Association of State Foresters Weekly Newsletter / NASF Weekly Newsletter April 12, 2024

NASF Weekly Newsletter April 12, 2024

The NASF Washington Weekly Report is an e-newsletter that is distributed via email every Friday afternoon. The newsletter is a digest of the NASF Blog and contains brief items of interest to NASF constituents, including media coverage of congressional activities, forestry-related science and technology, and upcoming events.

Original Source

Out West

From California: Fires, forest and our lands – an Indigenous ecological perspective [Geographical]

(Opinion) While professional researchers increasingly have come to understand the essential role that fire plays in our natural system, there remains a lot to be learned from the Indigenous worldview and experience with fire ecology and forest management.

From Idaho: Natural forest management is forest mismanagement [Lewiston Tribune]

(Opinion) When it comes to sudden changes in the forest, Mother Nature rarely does them in a benign fashion. Most often she manages by catastrophe and those changes are generally extensive, long lasting and may very well be contrary to what we want or expect.

Kansas wildfires consume thousands of acres, at least one home [KAKE]

Two wildfires have consumed thousands of acres north of Manhattan, forcing road closures and evacuation notices in Riley and Pottawatomie counties. At least one home has been destroyed by the fires, but according to the Kansas Forest Service, no fatalities have been reported.