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You are here: Home / News & Announcements / WLFW Newsletters / National Association of State Foresters Weekly Newsletter / National Association of State Foresters Weekly Newsletter June 11 2021

National Association of State Foresters Weekly Newsletter June 11 2021

Your week in forestry and fire news!

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This weekend is your last chance to submit your pick(s) for NASF's current achievement award names [NASF Newsroom]

Every five years, the NASF Awards Committee selects a new slate of names for NASF's current and lifetime achievement awards. You have until Sunday night to submit your nomination(s) for naming NASF's current and lifetime achievement awards. Please note: the call for nominations for 2021 NASF Awards (i.e. award recipients) will go out Monday, June 14.

Coalition letter sent to congressional leaders in support of investments in wildfire resilience and forest roads [NASF Newsroom]

NASF and eleven other natural resources organizations have sent a letter to House and Senate leadership requesting that forests be included in infrastructure legislation.

Non-federal WFLC partners distribute 2021 Fire Letter [NASF Blog]

The non-federal members of the Wildland Fire Leadership Coalition (WFLC) have released this year's fire letter.

NASF states support for the Invasive Species Prevention and Forest Restoration Act [NASF Newsroom]

NASF has written a letter in support of the Invasive Species Prevention and Forest Restoration Act of 2021 (H.R. 1389), applauding the bill's aim to improve programs intended to prevent the introduction and impacts of non-native forest pests.

NASF president calls on federal government to treat wildfires as an emergency in America [NFPA]

(Blog post) According to NASF, to take care of the tremendous fuel reduction and restoration needs of our forests, the country must treat 5 million acres per year on top of our current activity (roughly three million acres per year).