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National Association of State Foresters Weekly Newsletter June 25 2021

Your week in forestry and fire news!

Original Source


NASF pens letter to White House regarding UAS executive order [NASF Newsroom]

Federal UAS policy, particularly with respect to federal grant funding, is of paramount importance to state forestry agencies, which use UAS for emergency wildfire response, forest management, and forest health monitoring.

In Your State

Feds sign off on Maine forest management roadmap [Caledonian Record]

The state's forest plan is intended to “analyzes current conditions and trends of Maine’s trees and forests" and provide "strategies and actions to ensure a sustainable future for the state’s forests.” State Forester Patty Cormier said the document will be used as a tool to help manage forests in the state.

More from Maine:

Portland’s prized Candelabra Tree under assault by browntail moth caterpillars [Central Maine]

(Submitted) Project Canopy offers free trees to Maine landowners [The County]

Taking stock of Houlton’s trees [The County]Connecticut’s 2020 Forest Action Plan finalized [Connecticut DEEP]

(Press release) “This is the culmination of a lot of hard work, research and input by the staff of DEEP’s Forestry Division, as well as many partners and stakeholders, and members of the public,” State Forester Christopher Martin said.In Maryland: Frederick County Forestry Board explains how generating sustainable forest products creates biomass fuel [Frederick News-Post]

The $250,000-grant will be used to contract with a woody biomass specialist who can identify wood energy opportunities and to adapt up to 10 facilities in the state that have a high probability of conversion to wood fuel.