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You are here: Home / News & Announcements / WLFW Newsletters / Wildlife Management Institute Outdoor News Bulletin / Wildlife Management Institute Outdoor News Bulletin March 2024 | Volume 78, Issue 3

Wildlife Management Institute Outdoor News Bulletin March 2024 | Volume 78, Issue 3

In this issue: Conservation Without Conflict Summit recap, evaluating wildlife councils, pollinator research, and more.

Original Source

Transforming Conservation in America: Insights from the 2024 Annual Coalition Summit

In the heart of Arlington, VA, from February 20th to 22nd, the Conservation Without Conflict Coalition held its Annual Summit, a gathering that could very well shape the future of wildlife conservation across the United States. With a focus on collaboration and voluntary action, the event marked a significant shift toward actionable conservation strategies on America's working lands.

A closer look at the Summit

President's Message

Reflecting on Opportunities for Change

From the chair in my office in just the past couple weeks, I've witnessed the few larger V-shaped flights of Canada geese be replaced by numerous paired flights of geese. I've seen an American robin take particular interest in his reflection in my window, under the likely assumption it was not a reflection at all, but a potential rival. I've also seen the amaryllis in my office in full bloom. Although biologists, birdwatchers, hunters, and anglers aren't in the least bit surprised by observations like these, I suspect the subtleties of changing seasons are lost on some people. Whether due to their insulation from nature in artificial worlds of manipulated temperatures and controlled environments or to the bigger issue of a simple indifference to Mother Nature and the constant changes she determines.

Explore change at upcoming North American conference