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Data Access

Assessing Future Energy Development study assembled and combined data on various energy development trends such as coal, wind, and shale gas to help in identifying where these may intersect with important natural resource and ecosystem services to give a more comprehensive picture of what potential energy development could look like in the Appalachians.

Zipped data files are available directly from the Energy Forecast Model web mapping tool.

There are five data files which can be downloaded, including:

  1. Relative Development Risks to Forest Cores ( – This file includes a shapefile of all the areas identified as forest cores with the accompanying information regarding the energy development risk. Within the attribute table, information regarding property ownership is also included. This data is also available via direct download using the following link:
  2. Relative Developments Risks to Watersheds ( - This file includes a shapefile that summarizes energy development risk at the 12-digit HUC watershed scale. Within the attribute table, information regarding the amount of impervious surface, HUC 12 watershed name and numerical code as well as the HUC 8 numerical code is included. This data is also available via direct download using the following link:
  3. Wind Model ( – This file includes two raster layers. One of the raster files (LCC_Windgt90x.img) displays the data by differentiating between areas that have a greater than 90 percent or higher risk of development from areas with less than a 90 percent risk of wind energy development. The second raster file (LCC_WindProbs.img) displays the energy risk across a gradient, but does not include the categories seen in the Energy Forecast Web Mapping Tool. The values range from 0-1, with larger values representing a higher probability of development. This data is also available via direct download using the following link:
  4. Shale Gas Model ( - This file includes three raster layers. One of the raster files (LCC_MxGasgt90x.img) displays the areas that have a greater than 90 percent or higher risk of shale gas development and areas with less than a 90 percent risk of shale gas energy development. The second raster file (LCCMaxGasProb.img) displays the energy risk across a gradient, but does not include the categories seen in the Energy Forecast Web Mapping Tool. The third raster file (UticaWetGasProbs.img) displays the gradient of energy development risk of wet gas within the Utica shale play only. The values range from 0-1, with larger values representing a higher probability of development. This data is also available via direct download using the following link:
  5. Coal Model ( - This file includes two raster layers. One of the raster files (LCC_Coal_gt90x.img) displays the data by differentiating between areas that have a greater than 90 percent or higher risk of coal energy development and areas with less than a 90 percent risk of coal energy development. The second raster file (LCC_Coal.img) displays the energy risk across a gradient, but does not include the categories seen in the Energy Forecast Web Mapping Tool. The values range from 0-255, with larger values representing a higher probability of development. This data is also available via direct download using the following link: